Wednesday 21 May 2014

Yogyakarta . One of the cities in Indonesia which has many interesting attractions . Yogyakarta is also known as a student city because in this city there are many well-known universities , such as UGM , UPN , UII and much more .

Existing attractions in Yogyakarta Malioboro them . This place became one of the tourist destinations including overseas . The main attraction is the atmosphere of Malioboro Java that is still felt . If you want to find a souvenir from Yogyakarta city , then this place is the answer . Many vendors selling souvenirs with the theme of Yogyakarta , at a low price .

 keraton jogja

Another place that is not less interesting is the palace of Yogyakarta . Yogyakarta special city dubbed as the city is led by a " sultan " ( king ) . In the palace of Yogyakarta we encounter many relics in the Dutch colonial past . Dutch forts also an attractive place to visit .

 kopi jos

On the evening of Jogja be an unforgettable moment . " Angkringan " is a fitting place while enjoying the beautiful atmosphere at night jogja . Coffee " joss " characterizes the " famous place " which is next to " station monument " . That's a glimpse of the city of Yogyakarta . But there are many more tourist attractions in the city of Yogyakarta, which I will discuss in another post .
" Jogja be comfortable "


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